Abadi, M.
Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Minimization Analysis of Large-Scale Network Attack Graphs [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Abadpour, A.
Principal Color and its Application to Color Image Segmentation [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Abbasi, B.
A Transformation Technique in Designing Multi-Attributes C Control Charts [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Abedini, M.
KBr Catalyzed Oxidation of Alcohols and Trimethylsilyl and Tetrahydropyranyl Ethers with Fe(NO3)3.9H2O [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Aditya, G.
Sensitivity Based Health Monitoring of Structures with Static Response [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Ahmadi, G.
Numerical Simulation of Free-Surface Waves and Wave Induced Separation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Ahmadi, M.M.
A Numerical Study of Chamber Size and Boundary Eects on CPT Tip Resistance in NC Sand [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Akbarpour, M.H.
Analytical Mode Distributions and Resonant Frequencies in Ladder Networks Used in Power Combining Oscillator Arrays [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Akhavan Niaki, S.T.
A Transformation Technique in Designing Multi-Attributes C Control Charts [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Amini, J.
Generation of Orthoimage from High-Resolution DEM and High-Resolution Image [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Amini, J.
Optimum Learning Rate in Back-Propagation Neural Network for Classication of Satellite Images (IRS-1D) [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Amiri, M.
A Methodology for Optimizing Statistical Multi-Response Problems Using Fuzzy Goal Programming [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Aref, M.R.
GLR Detector for Coded Signals in Noise and Interference [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Asnafi, A.
Some New Robust Pseudo Forward and Rotation Gaits for the Snakeboard [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Ataie-Ashtiani, B.
Free Water Surface Oscillations in a Closed Rectangular Basin with Internal Barriers [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Azadi, M.
Multi-Input Multi-Output Direct Adaptive Control for a Distributed Parameter Flexible Rotating Arm [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Azin, M.
An 8-Bit Current-Mode Folding ADC with Optimized Active Averaging Network [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Bagherzadeh, N.
Clock Boosting Router: Increasing the Performance of an Adaptive Router in Network-on-Chip (NoC) [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Bahraini, A.R.
On the Solvability of @ in a Class of Hypo-Analytic Manifolds [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Bakhshi, A.
Performance Evaluation of Masonry Buildings Using a Probabilistic Approach [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Bakhtiari-Nejad, F.
Time-Domain Analysis of Sandwich Shells with Passive Constrained Viscoelastic Layers [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Behnad, A.
A New, Publicly Veriable, Secret Sharing Scheme [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Besharati, A.
Time-Domain Analysis of Sandwich Shells with Passive Constrained Viscoelastic Layers [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Chakraborty, S.
Sensitivity Based Health Monitoring of Structures with Static Response [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Chan, D.H.
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Sands [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Dawoud, D.S.
Self-Organization in a Particle Swarm Optimized Fuzzy Logic Congestion Detection Mechanism for IP Networks [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Eghlidos, T.
A New, Publicly Veriable, Secret Sharing Scheme [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Eshragh Jahromi, A.
Uniform Fractional Part: A Simple Fast Method for Generating Continuous Random Variates [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Fallah, N.
A Method for Calculation of Face Gradients in Two-Dimensional, Cell Centred, Finite Volume Formulation for Stress Analysis in Solid Problems [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Farahi, S.
Solid Trichlorotitanium (IV) Tri uoromethanesulfonate TiCl3 (OTf) Catalyzed Highly Ecient Protection of Aldeyhydes as their Acylals at Room Temperature under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Farhadi, M.
Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Channel with a Built-in Square Cylinder: The Eect of Reynolds Number [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Farhanieh, B.
An Inverse Problem Method for Gas Temperature Estimation in Partially Filled Rotating Cylinders [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Farzaneh, F.
Analytical Mode Distributions and Resonant Frequencies in Ladder Networks Used in Power Combining Oscillator Arrays [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Fathi-Gishnegani, A.
Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Aected Turbulent Air Flow in a Room [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Fattahi, A.
DFT/B3LYP Study of Thermochemistry of D-Glucosamine, a Representative Polyfunctional Bioorganic Compound [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Fazel Zarandi, M.H.
A Fuzzy Intelligent Information Agent Architecture for Supply Chains [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Firoozabadi, B.
Characteristic Variables and Entrainment in 3-D Density Currents [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Firoozabadi, B.
Numerical Simulation of Free-Surface Waves and Wave Induced Separation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Firouzabadi, H.
Solid Trichlorotitanium (IV) Tri uoromethanesulfonate TiCl3 (OTf) Catalyzed Highly Ecient Protection of Aldeyhydes as their Acylals at Room Temperature under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Fotouhi, M.
On the Poincare Index of Isolated Invariant Sets [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Fotowat Ahmady, A.
A Programmable GPS Receiver with Test Circuits in 0.18 m CMOS [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Ghandehari, M.
Applying Circular Coloring to Open Shop Scheduling [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Gharehbaghi, S.A.
Three-Dimensional Data Transfer Operators in Plasticity Using SPR Technique with C0, C1 and C2 Continuity [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Gitizadeh, M.
Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach to FACTS Devices Allocation in FARS Regional Electric Network [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Goudarzi, P.
Stability Analysis of a Window-Based High-Speed Hierarchical Rate Allocation Algorithm [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Harirchian, T.
Enhancement of Natural Convection in Circular and Triangular Ducts Using Corona Discharge in Air and Nitrogen [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Hashemian, S.J.
Thermal Behavior of Alkaline Lead Acetate, a Study of Thermogravimetry and Dierential Scanning Calorimetry [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Hematiyan, M.R.
A Meshless Boundary Element Method Formulation for Transient Heat Conduction Problems with Heat Sources [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Heydari, M.M.
An Inverse Problem Method for Gas Temperature Estimation in Partially Filled Rotating Cylinders [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Imani, B.M.
Comprehensive Simulation of Surface Texture for an End-Milling Process [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Irajizad, A.
Optical and Structural Properties of Copper Doped CdS Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Iranpoor, N.
Solid Trichlorotitanium (IV) Tri uoromethanesulfonate TiCl3 (OTf) Catalyzed Highly Ecient Protection of Aldeyhydes as their Acylals at Room Temperature under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Jafari, P.
Feed Stu Production from Methanol by Methylotrophic Microorganisms [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Jalili, S.
Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Minimization Analysis of Large-Scale Network Attack Graphs [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Jalilian, Y.
A Variational Iteration Method for Solving Systems of Partial Dierential Equations and for Numerical Simulation of the Reaction-Diusion Brusselator Model [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Jamali, S.
Eects of Instrument Transformers Connection Point on Measured Impedance by Distance Relay in Presence of SSSC [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Jariri, F.
Quality Function Deployment, Value Engineering and Target Costing, an Integrated Framework in Design Cost Management: A Mathematical Programming Approach [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Jenabi, M.
A Programmable GPS Receiver with Test Circuits in 0.18 m CMOS [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Kalantar, M.
Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach to FACTS Devices Allocation in FARS Regional Electric Network [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Karami, G.
A Meshless Boundary Element Method Formulation for Transient Heat Conduction Problems with Heat Sources [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Karamouz, M.
Dealing with Con ict over Water Quality and Quantity Allocation: A Case Study [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Kargahi, M.
A Two-Class M/M/1 System with Preemptive Non Real-Time Jobs and Prioritized Real-Time Jobs under Earliest-Deadline-First Policy [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Karimi, E.
The Eect of an Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) on Damping Inter-area Oscillations in Interconnected Power Systems [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Kasaei, S.
Principal Color and its Application to Color Image Segmentation [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Kasaei, S.
New Half-Pixel Accuracy Motion Estimation Algorithms for Low Bitrate Video Communications [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Kasiri, N.
Mathematical Modeling of a Cross Flow Conveyor Belt Dryer [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Kayhanian, M.
Use of Articial Neural Networks in Predicting Highway Runo Constituent Event Mean Concentration [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Kazemi, A.
The Eect of an Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) on Damping Inter-area Oscillations in Interconnected Power Systems [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Kazemi, A.
Eects of Instrument Transformers Connection Point on Measured Impedance by Distance Relay in Presence of SSSC [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Khamooshi, F.
Al(HSO4)3 Mediated for the Preparation of Primary Carbamates under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Kharrat, R.
Determination of Reservoir Model from Well Test Data, Using an Articial Neural Network [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Khezrzadeh, H.
Interpretation of Tensile Softening in Concrete, Using Fractal Geometry [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Khoei, A.R.
Three-Dimensional Data Transfer Operators in Plasticity Using SPR Technique with C0, C1 and C2 Continuity [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Korayem, M. H.
Maximum Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of a 6UPS-Stewart Platform Manipulator [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Kurdtabar, M.
DFT/B3LYP Study of Thermochemistry of D-Glucosamine, a Representative Polyfunctional Bioorganic Compound [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Lee, S.E.
Clock Boosting Router: Increasing the Performance of an Adaptive Router in Network-on-Chip (NoC) [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Mahdavi, S.M.
Optical and Structural Properties of Copper Doped CdS Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Mahdavi-Nasab, H.
New Half-Pixel Accuracy Motion Estimation Algorithms for Low Bitrate Video Communications [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Mahlooji, H.
Uniform Fractional Part: A Simple Fast Method for Generating Continuous Random Variates [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Mahlooji, H.
Fuzzy Hierarchical Queueing Models for the Location Set Covering Problem in Congested Systems [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Mahlooji Far, A.
Variable, Step-Size, Block Normalized, Least Mean, Square Adaptive Filter: A Unied Framework [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Mahzoon, M.
Some New Robust Pseudo Forward and Rotation Gaits for the Snakeboard [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Maleki, N.
Determination of Traces of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid in Environmental Samples [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Massoudieh, A.
Use of Articial Neural Networks in Predicting Highway Runo Constituent Event Mean Concentration [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Mazloum Ardakani, M.
Potentiometric Chromate Quantication Based on Interaction with N, N' Butylen Bis (Saliciliden Iminato) Copper (II) [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Mehri, B.
On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for Nonlinear Ordinary Dierential Equations [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Mehri, B.
Boundedness and Regularity with Nonlinear Dependence of Hessian and Gradient [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Mirzahoseinkashani, E.
Mathematical Modeling of a Cross Flow Conveyor Belt Dryer [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Moattar Hoseini, S.M.
A Fuzzy Intelligent Information Agent Architecture for Supply Chains [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Moayed, M.
Determination of Mercury and Methylmercury in Aqueous Samples by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Pre-Concentration with Bis (2-Mercaptobenzothlazole) Immobilized on Microcrystalline Naphthalene [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Modarres, M.
Applying Circular Coloring to Open Shop Scheduling [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Modarresi-Alam, A.R.
Al(HSO4)3 Mediated for the Preparation of Primary Carbamates under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Mofid, M.
Interpretation of Tensile Softening in Concrete, Using Fractal Geometry [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Mohaghegh, Sh.D.
Essential Components of an Integrated Data Mining Tool for the Oil and Gas Industry with an Example Application in the DJ Basin [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Mohajerani, A.
Investigation of the Eect of Pad Geometry on Flat and Rounded Fretting Fatigue [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Mojdeh, D.A.
On Domination and its Forcing in Mycielski's Graphs [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Molki, M.
Enhancement of Natural Convection in Circular and Triangular Ducts Using Corona Discharge in Air and Nitrogen [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Monsef, H.
New Wavelet-Based Approach for Internal Fault Current Identication in Power Transformers [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Moshtagh, M.
Eect of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete Dams Using Finite Element Method [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Mostafazadeh, M.
Source Parameters of the March 31st, 2006, Dorud Earthquake in Iran [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Movaghar, A.
A Two-Class M/M/1 System with Preemptive Non Real-Time Jobs and Prioritized Real-Time Jobs under Earliest-Deadline-First Policy [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Nasrollahzadeh, M.
Al(HSO4)3 Mediated for the Preparation of Primary Carbamates under Solvent-Free Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Nazari, A.
Space and Norm Redundancies in Frame Theory [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Nejadi, S.
Eect of Permeable Contacts on the Performance of a Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage Mechanism in a Stack of Matrix Blocks [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Nojumi, M.H.
Boundedness and Regularity with Nonlinear Dependence of Hessian and Gradient [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Nouri-Borujerdi, A.
Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Aected Turbulent Air Flow in a Room [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Nyirenda, C.N.
Self-Organization in a Particle Swarm Optimized Fuzzy Logic Congestion Detection Mechanism for IP Networks [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Pak, A.
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Sands [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Parnianpour, M.
Application of a Kinematics-Driven Approach in Human Spine Biomechanics During an Isometric Lift [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Peiravi, A.
Design of an Automatic Alignment System for Video Displays Using an Adaptive Alignment Algorithm [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Pourjavadi, A.
DFT/B3LYP Study of Thermochemistry of D-Glucosamine, a Representative Polyfunctional Bioorganic Compound [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Rahimi, A.B.
Unaxisymmetric Heat Transfer in the Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow of a Viscous Fluid on a Cylinder with Simultaneous Axial and Rotational Movement Along with Transpiration [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Razvan, M.R.
On the Poincare Index of Isolated Invariant Sets [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Riahi, N.
A Programmable GPS Receiver with Test Circuits in 0.18 m CMOS [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Robertson, P.K.
A Numerical Study of Chamber Size and Boundary Eects on CPT Tip Resistance in NC Sand [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Saati, M.
Generation of Orthoimage from High-Resolution DEM and High-Resolution Image [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Sadeghi, A.
Potentiometric Chromate Quantication Based on Interaction with N, N' Butylen Bis (Saliciliden Iminato) Copper (II) [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Safavi, A.
Determination of Traces of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid in Environmental Samples [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Sajjadian, V.A.
Eect of Permeable Contacts on the Performance of a Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage Mechanism in a Stack of Matrix Blocks [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Salehi, M.
Time-Domain Analysis of Sandwich Shells with Passive Constrained Viscoelastic Layers [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Salehi-Sadaghiani, J.
A Methodology for Optimizing Statistical Multi-Response Problems Using Fuzzy Goal Programming [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Sayyaadi, H.
Modeling and Intelligent Control of a Robotic Gas Metal Arc Welding System [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Shadman, D.
On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for Nonlinear Ordinary Dierential Equations [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Shahabian, F.
Behaviour of Plate Girders Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear Loading [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Sharif Bakhtiar, M.
An 8-Bit Current-Mode Folding ADC with Optimized Active Averaging Network [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Shateri, H.
Eects of Instrument Transformers Connection Point on Measured Impedance by Distance Relay in Presence of SSSC [Volume 15, Issue 6, 2008]
Shavandi, H.
Fuzzy Hierarchical Queueing Models for the Location Set Covering Problem in Congested Systems [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Shirazi-Adl, A.
Application of a Kinematics-Driven Approach in Human Spine Biomechanics During an Isometric Lift [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Shirini, F.
KBr Catalyzed Oxidation of Alcohols and Trimethylsilyl and Tetrahydropyranyl Ethers with Fe(NO3)3.9H2O [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Shokri, M.
Maximum Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of a 6UPS-Stewart Platform Manipulator [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Talebi, S.M.
Determination of Mercury and Methylmercury in Aqueous Samples by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Pre-Concentration with Bis (2-Mercaptobenzothlazole) Immobilized on Microcrystalline Naphthalene [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Towfighi, J.
Application of Response Surface Methodology in Study of the Product Yield Distribution of Thermal Cracking of Atmospheric Gasoil [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Vakilian, M.
Direct Introduction of Semicon Layers in a Cable Model [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2008]
Zahrai, S.M.
Impact of Table Size on the Performance of Thermo-Plastic Roong Systems Under Wind Uplift Pressures [Volume 15, Issue 5, 2008]
Zahrai, S.M.
Strong Ground Motion Eects on Seismic Response Reduction by TLCDs [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Zahrai, S.M.
Seismic Performance of TMDs in Improving the Response of MRF Buildings [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2008]
Zamani, G.M.
Feed Stu Production from Methanol by Methylotrophic Microorganisms [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
Zegordi, S.H.
Quality Function Deployment, Value Engineering and Target Costing, an Integrated Framework in Design Cost Management: A Mathematical Programming Approach [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008]
Zolfigol, M.A.
KBr Catalyzed Oxidation of Alcohols and Trimethylsilyl and Tetrahydropyranyl Ethers with Fe(NO3)3.9H2O [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008]
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