The E ect of an Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) on Damping Inter-area Oscillations in Interconnected Power Systems


1 Biochemical and Bioenvironmental Research Center,Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Department of Electrical Engineering,Iran University of Science and Technology


The e ect of an Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) on damping low frequency oscillations
has been implied in some papers, but has not been investigated in detail. This paper investigates
the damping control function of an interline power
ow controller installed in a power system.
For this purpose, a single machine-in nite bus model, integrated with IPFC, is used and the
linearized model is established. Using this model, the Phillips-He ron model of the system for
steady state digital simulations is derived. In this paper, the numerical results are presented
using the MATLAB simulink toolbox, which shows the signi cant e ect of IPFC on damping
inter-area oscillations.