Aims and Scope
The objectives of Scientia Iranica are twofold. The first is to provide a forum to present original works by scientists and engineers worldwide. The second is to open an effective channel to enhance communication between scientists and engineers to exchange state-of-the-art research and ideas.
The journal's scope is broad and multidisciplinary in technical sciences and engineering. It encompasses experimental, theoretical, and numerical research. Specific areas include but are not limited to civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, computer science & engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, nanotechnology, chemical and geoenergy engineering.
Transactions of Scientia Iranica classify articles in the following spectrums:
Transactions A: Civil Engineering,
Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering,
Transactions C: Chemistry,
Transactions D: Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering,
Transactions E: Industrial Engineering,
Transactions F: Nanotechnology,
Transactions H: Chemical and Geoenergy Engineering,
Transactions A, of Scientia Iranica, which is on Civil Engineering, has, as its main objective, the publication and dissemination of original research (experimental, analytical, and numerical) in the field of Civil Engineering, which includes, but is not limited to; Structural Engineering, Engineering Materials, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Information Technology, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Tunnel Engineering and Water Engineering.
Transactions B, of Scientia Iranica, which is on Mechanical Engineering, has, as its main objective, the publication and dissemination of original research (experimental, analytical, and numerical) in the field of Mechanical Engineering, which includes, but is not limited to; Aerodynamics, Automation, Control, Biomechanics, Design and Manufacturing, Fluid and Hydro Mechanics, Kinematics and Dynamic Systems, Mechanics of Continua, Mechanisms and Robotics, Mechatronics, Microelectromechanical Systems, and Thermal Systems.
Transactions C of Scientia Iranica, which is on Chemistry, has, as its objective, the publication and dissemination of original research work in the field of Chemistry, which includes all aspects of applied and theoretical chemistry. In keeping with the objectives of Scientia Iranica, this section emphasizes different aspects of the foundations and applications of the field to further develop international academic exchange between chemistry experts and researchers worldwide.
Transactions D, of Scientia Iranica is divided into two sections: Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering. As their objective, these sections have the publication and dissemination of original research works. The section on Computer Science and Engineering includes but is not limited to, artificial intelligence, compilers, computer architectures, computer dependability and security, computer networks and distributed systems, data management, design automation and configurable computing, digital signal processing, embedded systems, operating systems, processor and system architectures, real-time systems, soft computing, software engineering, theoretical computer science, verification, test and design for test. Also, the section on Electrical Engineering includes, but is not limited to; information theory, encryption secure communications, wireless communications, satellite and radar, control systems, quantum electronic devices, microelectronics, RF integrated circuits and systems, biomedical engineering, and imaging, power electronics, energy management systems, photonics, nanophotonics, electromagnetic, antenna and propagation, optical networks and communications, communication theory, and data networks
Transactions E, of Scientia Iranica, which is on Industrial Engineering, has, as its objective, the publication and dissemination of original, quality articles reporting recent advances in industrial engineering theory, techniques, methodology applications, and practice, which include, but are not limited to; operations research and decision-making models, quality engineering, production and inventory control, artificial intelligence in industrial engineering, engineering economy and cost estimation, facilities design and location, maintenance and reliability engineering, materials handling, performance analysis, discrete event system simulation, project control and management, work measurement and methods engineering, heuristics and meta-heuristics, resource optimization, applied statistics, manufacturing processes and designs, human factors and ergonomics and information systems.
Transactions F of Scientia Iranica aims to publish high-quality papers at the forefront of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, especially those of an interdisciplinary nature in the areas of structures, materials, and devices with nanometer-scale. It compasses analytical, experimental, and numerical works that make substantial advances in these fields by enhancing the fundamental understanding of physics, chemistry, biology, and technology of nanomaterials and devices. Special emphasis is placed on the application of nanotechnology in the areas of health and medicine, energy, environment, transportation, and construction.
Transactions H of Scientia Iranica is divided into two sections: Chemical Engineering and Geoenergy Engineering. Chemical Engineering: reporting on industrial and academic research within the broad chemical and biomolecular/biochemical engineering fields. Core areas include thermodynamics, transport phenomena, chemical reaction kinetics and engineering, catalysis, separations, and process systems engineering. Subject categories include Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering, Biochemicals, Biofuels, and Food, Materials: Synthesis and Processing Polymer Engineering, Particle Technology and Fluidization Process Systems Engineering and Control, Reaction Engineering, Kinetics, and Catalysis, Separations: Materials, Devices, and Processes, Soft Materials: Synthesis, Processing, and Products, Thermodynamics and Molecular-Scale Phenomena, Transport Phenomena and Fluid Mechanics, Energy, Environmental Science and Engineering. Geoenergy Engineering aims to encompass all aspects of engineering and science of geoenergy and sustainable hydrocarbon production by publishing articles that are understandable to scientists, engineers, and geologists in related fields. General topics include responsible and sustainable energy generation; carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS); geothermal energy; hydrogen production, transport, and geostorage; underground gas storage; application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in the energy industry; and sustainable hydrocarbon exploration and production. Subject categories include Oil Reservoir Engineering, Drilling Engineering, Production Engineering and optimization, Petroleum Economics, Petroleum Geology, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology, Fuel Science and Technology, and Underground Energy Storage.