Main Subjects = Civil Engineering
Strength and durability studies on high volume ready-made ultrafine slag-based high-strength concrete

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2624-2632


C. Lakshmi Priyanka; B. Vijayalakshmi; M. Nagavalli; G. Dhinakaran

Applying materials waste quantification to cement waste reduction in residential buildings of Tehran: A case study

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2633-2652


A. Mahpour; A. Alvanchi; M.M. Mortaheb

Using genetic algorithms for long-term planning of network of bridges

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2653-2664


H. Alikhani; A. Alvanchi

A laboratory investigation of suppression of dust from wind erosion using biocementation with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2665-2677


M.M. Mohebbi; G. Habibagahi; A. Niazi; A. Ghahramani

Soft computing-based approach for capacity prediction of FRP-strengthened RC joints

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2678-2688


M.H. Ilkhani; H. Naderpour; A. Kheyroddin

Airline delay prediction by machine learning algorithms

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2689-2702


H. Khaksar; A. Sheikholeslami

Assessment of MIDA method for mid-rise steel structures with non-symmetrical plan

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2703-2711


M. Zanjanchi; M. Mofid

Reinforcement-dependent long-term deflection response of baked clay beams

Volume 26, Issue 5, September and October 2019, Pages 2723-2730


M. Auchar Zardari; N. Ali Lakho

Profile and wavefront optimization by metaheuristic algorithms for efficient finite element analysis

Volume 26, Issue 4: Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Abolhassan Vafai, July and August 2019, Pages 2032-2046


A. Kaveh; Sh. Bijari

A computational plastic–damage method for modeling the FRP strengthening of concrete arches

Volume 26, Issue 4: Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Abolhassan Vafai, July and August 2019, Pages 2123-2132


T. Ahmadpour; Y. Navid Tehrani; A.R. Khoei

Effect of creep on high-order shear deformable beams

Volume 26, Issue 4: Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Abolhassan Vafai, July and August 2019, Pages 2187-2202


M. Ghabdian; S. B. Beheshti Aval; A. Vafai

Effect of aging on dynamic properties of municipal solid waste: A case study of Kahrizak Landfill, Tehran, Iran

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1077-1088


M, Keramati; N. Shariatmadari; M. Karimpour-Fard; A. Saeedanezhad; P. Alidoust

Application of ordinary fiber-reinforced concrete layer in in-plane retrofitting of unreinforced masonry walls: Test and modeling

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1089-1103


S.M. Dehghan; M.A. Najafgholipour; A.R. Kamrava; M. Khajepour

Determination of optimum cross-section of earth dams using ant colony optimization algorithm

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1104-1121


A. Rezaeeian; M. Davoodi; M.K. Jafari

Investigation into geotechnical properties of clayey soils contaminated with gasoil using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1122-1134


F. Mir Mohammad Hosseini; T. Ebadi; A. Eslami; S. M. Mir Mohammad Hosseini; H. R. Jahangard

Determination of limit-states for near-fault seismic fragility assessment of concrete gravity dams

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1135-1155


M.A. Sotoudeh; M. Ghaemian; A. Sarvghad Moghadam

An analytical approach to the estimation of optimum river channel dimensions

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1169-1181


M. Mahmoudi; M. R. Majdzadeh Tabatabai; S. Mousavi Nadoushani