Articles in Nanotechnology

Articles in Nanotechnology (2022-2024): RIS Format

Shamsaee Zafarghandi, M., Pirhady Tavandashti, N. (2024). 'Electrodeposition of hierarchically structured superhydrophobic Ni-PTFE composite coating with remarkable corrosion resistance, chemical and mechanical stability', Scientia Iranica, 31(12), pp. 907-919.


Bakirci, M., Garren, R. (2024). 'Tuning the preferential direction of ion flow in asymmetric nanofluidic mediums', Scientia Iranica, 31(12), pp. 920-934.


Azeem Khan, W., Anjum, N., Hobiny, A., Ali, M. (2024). 'Entropy generation analysis for chemically reactive flow of Sutterby nanofluid considering radiation aspects', Scientia Iranica, 31(12), pp. 935-944.


Khader, M. (2024). 'Numerical treatment for a nine-dimensional chaotic Lorenz model with the Rabotnov fractional-exponential kernel fractional derivative', Scientia Iranica, 31(12), pp. 945-957.


Saeed, M. H., Alduwaib, S. M., Al-den, D. J. F. (2024). 'Investigation of structural, photo-luminescence and self-cleaning properties of thin layers of GO-ZnO and GO, GO-Ag and composite bilayer of GO-ZnO/GO-Ag prepared by spray pyrolysis method', Scientia Iranica, 31(12), pp. 958-966.


Naz, R., Sohail, M., Bibi, M., Javed, M. (2023). 'Numerical treatment of magneto hydrodynamic Carreau liquid with heat and mass transport containing gyrotactic microorganisms', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2223-2234.


Batool, M., Akhter, S., Ahmad, S., Ali, K., Ashraf, M. (2023). 'Impact of viscous dissipation on MHD darcy-forchheimer nanoliquid flow comprising gyrotactic microorganisms past a nonlinear extending surface', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2235-2244.


Ramasekhar, G., Bala Anki Reddy, P. (2023). 'Entropy generation on Darcy-Forchheimer flow of copper-aluminium oxide/water hybrid nanofluid over a rotating disk: Semi-analytical and numerical approaches', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2245-2259. 


Jabbarpour Azari, S., Aali, M. (2022). 'Experimental study of effect of laser machining process of CO2 on electrical conductivity and magnetic properties of PMMA/MWCNT composite', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3543-3553.


Ghanavati, H., Ramezanipour, N., Salehi Jouzani, G., Kowsari, M., Valijanian, E., Nikrad, M., Mostajeran, F., Tahmasbi, M. (2022). 'Submerged fermentation as a suitable solution to produce humic and fulvic acids from sugarcane bagasse', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3554-3569.


Atif, S. M., Shah, S., Kamran, A. (2022). 'Effect of MHD on Casson fluid with Arrhenius activation energy and variable properties', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3570-3581.


Khan, M. W. S., Ali, N., Asghar, Z. (2022). 'Critical investigation of thermally developing nanofluid flow within slippery tubes and channels: An extended Graetz-Nusselt problem with longitudinal conduction and power-law nanofluid', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3582-3590.


Hussain, S., Atif, S. M., Sagheer, M., Manzoor, M. A. (2022). 'MHD Carreau nanofluid with Arrhenius activation energy in a porous medium', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3591-3602.


Vijatha, M., Reddy, P. B. A. (2022). 'Entropy optimization of magnetohydrodynamic hybrid nanofluid flow with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3603-3618.


Ramedani, A., Sabzevari, O., Simchi, A. (2022). 'Processing of liposome-encapsulated natural herbs derived from Silybum marianum plants for the treatment of breast cancer cells', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3619-3627.