Articles in Civil Engineering

Articles in Civil Engineering (2022-2024): RIS Format

Hassanzadeh, E., Amini, Z. (2024). 'Using neural network for predicting hourly origin-destination matrices from trip data and environmental information', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1711-1726.


Kashani, A., Shirgir, B., Sayyar, S. (2024). 'Development of an appropriate model for the optional lane-changing rate in weaving segments with short lengths', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1727-1739.


Saffar, S. (2024). 'Experimental study on the effect of high power ultrasonic on the mechanical properties of concrete', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1740-1751.


Razi-Ardakani, H., Kermanshah, M. (2024). 'Comparing the Effect of Lifestyle, Travel and Residential Attitudes on Male and Female Commute Mode Choice', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1752-1766.


Saeidi, S., Amini, Z. (2024). 'Analyzing the impacts of gasoline price change on nationwide trip demand and drivers' behavior using regression discontinuity design', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1767-1778.


Farzin, I., Mamdoohi, A. R., Ciari, F. (2024). 'Extension of an adoption model to evaluate autonomous vehicles acceptance', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1779-1792.


Sadrara, A., Khezrzadeh, H., Mofid, M. (2024). 'Integrated and computationally-efficient analysis method for FRP building floor panels', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1793-1808.


Aminbakhsh, S., Ahmed, A. (2024). 'Optimization-based scheduling of construction projects with generalized precedence relationships: A real-life case study', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1809-1824.


Emami, F., Kabir, M. Z. (2024). 'Strength prediction of composite metal deck slabs under free drop weight impact loading using numerical approach and data set machine learning', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1825-1841.


Farzin, I., Abbasi, M., Mahpour, A. (2024). 'How does the environmental concerns affect the satisfaction of BRT and Metro users? A moderator analysis', Scientia Iranica, 31(19), pp. 1842-1856.


Moghadam-Rad, F., Zarfam, P., Zabihi-Samani, M. (2024). 'The effect of dolphin echolocation-fuzzy logic controller in semi-active control of structural systems using endurance time method', Scientia Iranica, 31(7), pp. 511-555.


Lashkar-Ara, B., Najafi, L., Karimi, S. (2024). 'Impact of sodium carbonate on seepage reduction in farm irrigation ponds', Scientia Iranica, 31(7), pp. 556-568.


Nezami, M., Adlparvar, M., Shahbazi, M. (2024). 'An intuitionistic fuzzy multi-class approach to risk assessment for sustainable BOT highway construction projects: A case study', Scientia Iranica, 31(7), pp. 569-587.


Daneshmand, A. H., Karamodin, A. (2024). 'Performance evaluation of modified tuned liquid dampers for seismic response control of nonlinear benchmark buildings', Scientia Iranica, 31(7), pp. 588-602.


Tran, D., Le, H., Nguyen, N., Le, T. (2024). 'Robust forensic-based investigation algorithm for resource leveling in multiple projects', Scientia Iranica, 31(7), pp. 603-618.


Refahiat-Nikoo, H., Zakeri, J., Mohammadzadeh, S. (2023). 'Field and laboratory investigations of the effective contact surface between sleeper and ballast particles in railway tracks', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 1911-1924.


Zanganeh, M. (2023). 'Multi-gene GP and GA-FIS models to deal with scaling problem in the ANFIS model for estimating roughness coefficient in erodible channels', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 1925-1941.


Behroozi, A. M., Vaghefi, M. (2023). 'Global thin plate spline differential quadrature as a meshless numerical solution for two-dimensional viscous Burgers' equation', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 1942-1954.


Shafiei, A., Tabesh, M. (2023). 'Optimal design of municipal wastewater collection networks with long-term performance improvement approach', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 833-844.


Nouri, Y., Shariatmadar, H., Shahabian, F. (2023). 'Nonlinearity detection using new signal analysis methods for global health monitoring', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 845-859.


Nikkhoo, A., Banihashemi, S., Kiani, K. (2023). 'Parametric investigations into dynamics of cracked thin rectangular plates excited by a moving mass', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 860-876.


Mortazavi, S. M., Adlparvar, M. R., Shahbazi, M. (2023). 'An intuitionistic fuzzy weighting and ranking model to evaluate the financing challenges of urban development with public-private partnership projects', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 877-890.


Broujerdian, V., Pahnabi, R., Ghamari, A. (2023). 'Semi-supported steel plate shear wall with oblique sides', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 891-901.


Barani, O. R., Bagherzadeh, H. (2023). 'Simulation of the vaiont landslide via multi-body material point method with cohesive frictional interfaces', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 902-917.


Ebrahimzadeh, S., Nasrollahzadeh, K. (2023). 'Experimental study on performance of repaired and strengthened unreinforced masonry walls using polypropylene bands', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 918-935.


Gholizadeh, R., Yılmaz, H., Danandeh Mehr, A. (2023). 'A new binary genetic programming approach to designing public transportation systems according to transit-oriented development criteria', Scientia Iranica, 30(3), pp. 936-951.


Majidi, N., Heidari, A., Fatehi, A., Heidarzadeh, H. (2022). 'Estimation of earthquake frequency content and its effect on dynamic analysis using continuous and discrete wavelet transform', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2773-2788.


Feizi, Y. A., Sharbatdar, M. K., Mahjoub, R., Raftari, M. (2022). 'Identifying damage location under statistical pattern recognition by new feature extraction and feature analysis methods', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2789-2802.


Ghasemzadeh, B., Celik, T., Karimi Ghaleh Jough, F., C. Matthews, J. (2022). 'Road map to BIM use for infrastructure domains: Identifying and contextualizing variables of infrastructure projects', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2803-2824.


Lotfi, V., Lotfi, A. (2022). 'Time harmonic analysis of concrete arch dam-reservoir systems utilizing GN high-order truncation condition', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2825-2836.


Singhal, S., Chourasia, A., Kajale, Y. (2022). 'Design of steel wire loop connection for precast reinforced concrete structural components', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2837-2849.


Jafari, N., Noorzad, R., Tanegonbadi, B. (2022). 'Liquefaction potential of reinforced sand with plastic wastes', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2850-2867.


Yousefpoor, H., Kaveh, A. (2022). 'Chaos-embedded meta-heuristic algorithms for optimal design of truss structures', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2868-2885.


Aydin, A. C., Bilen, M. B., Maali, M. (2022). 'Effect of hydrochloric acid corrosion and CFRP coating on the buckling behavior of cylindrical shells under external pressure', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2886-2901.


Moghadam, M., Razavitosee, S. V., Sharbanozadeh, M. (2022). 'Dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete water tanks under blast considering fluid-structure interaction', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2902-2918.


Hosseinnezhad, A., Gholizad, A. (2022). 'Fragility analysis of RC bridges considering spatially varying ground motions and SSI', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2919-2939.


Yousefi, A., Jahanian, H., Azadi, M. (2022). 'The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on mechanical properties of fine-grained soil modified by cement and nanocement', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2940-2952.


Sabermahany, H., Attarnejad, R. (2022). 'Soil-structure interaction response considering drift analysis due to three orthogonal components of near-field ground motions', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2953-2967.


Abbasi, M., Hadji Hosseinlou, M. (2022). 'Assessing feasibility of overnight-charging electric bus in a real-world BRT system in the context of a developing country', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2968-2978.


Sabouniaghdam, M., Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh, E., Safari, P., Broujerdian, V. (2022). 'Probabilistic collapse assessment of steel frame structures considering the effects of soil-structure interaction and height', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2979-2994.


Kaveh, A., Rajabi, F. (2022). 'Optimum structural design of spatial truss structures via migration-based imperialist competitive algorithm', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 2995-3015.


Norouzi, S., Kolahdoozan, M., Zarrati, A. R. (2022). 'Development of a 2D depth-averaged model for calculating scouring and deposition in alluvial streams', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 941-950.


Kaffash, M. R., Karamodin, A., Moghiman, M. (2022). 'Behavior of concentrically braced steel frames under fire loading', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 951-963.


Shayanfar, M. A., Hatami, A., Zabihi-Samani, M., Babakhani, B., Faroughi, A. R. (2022). 'Simulation of the force-displacement behavior of reinforced concrete beams under different degrees and locations of corrosion', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 964-972.


Mohammadi, E., Behnamfar, F. (2022). 'An equation for estimating the maximum normal strain of buried steel pipes in bend area under propagating waves in sands', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 973-989.


Nagar, S. K., Raj, R., Dev, N. (2022). 'Proximity effects between two plus-plan shaped high-rise buildings on mean and RMS pressure coefficients', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 990-1005.


Johari, A., Golkarfard, H., Mesbahi, M. (2022). 'The effect of nano-clay stabilizing treatment on the real excavation wall failure: A case study', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1006-1023.


Sherafat, B., Taghaddos, H., Shafaghat, E. (2022). 'Enhanced Automated Quantity Take-Off in Building Information Modeling Enhanced automated quantity take-off in building information modeling', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1024-1037.


Kavand, A., Haeri, S. M., Raisianzadeh, J., Afzalsoltani, S. (2022). 'Effectiveness of a vertical micropile system in mitigating the liquefaction-induced lateral spreading effects on pile foundations: 1 g large-scale shake table tests', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1038-1058.


Cakici, Z., Sazi Murat, Y., Mutlu Aydin, M. (2022). 'Design of an efficient vehicle-actuated signal control logic for signalized intersections', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1059-1076.


Aram, A., Dalalian, M. R., Saedi, S., Rafieyan, O., Darbandi, S. (2022). 'An assessment of data mining and bivariate statistical methods for landslide susceptibility mapping', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1077-1094.


Rasaizadi, A., Sherafat, E., Seyedabrishami, S. E. (2022). 'Short-term prediction of traffic state: Statistical approach versus machine learning approach', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1095-1106.


Epackachi, S., Mirghaderi, S. R., Aghelizadeh, P. (2022). 'Failure analysis of the 16-story Plasco building under fire condition', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1107-1124.


Mahmoudi, A., Jafari, M. A., Nasrollahzadeh, K. (2022). 'Reliability-Based Approach for Fragility Analysis of Lattice Transmission Tower in the Type Test', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1125-1141.


Kencanawati, N. N., Hariyadi, H., Hidayati, N., Sukerta, I. M. (2022). 'A new approach to structural seismic responses in Mataram City: Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) results obtained after Lombok earthquakes 2018', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1142-1153.


Kaveh, A., Mottaghi, L., Izadifard, R. A. (2022). 'Optimal design of a non-prismatic reinforced concrete box girder bridge with three meta-heuristic algorithms', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1154-1167.