Articles in Chemical and Geoenergy Engineering (2022-2024): RIS Format
Nadi, Z., Rahbar-Kelishami, A., Shayesteh, H. (2024). 'An effective dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method for pharmaceutical extraction: Optimization via central composite design', Scientia Iranica, 31(9), pp. 693-703.
Vaezi, M. J., Bagheri, H. (2024). 'PEBA/Na-X multilayer hybrid membrane for CO2 separation: Influence of Na-X zeolite layer synthesis condition', Scientia Iranica, 31(9), pp. 704-717.
Ghourejili, S., Yaghoubi, S., Valizadeh Harzand, F., Babapoor, A. (2024). 'Effects of different designs of pressure vessels on efficiency and energy consumption of reverse osmosis systems', Scientia Iranica, 31(9), pp. 718-726.
Raji, F., Kazemeini, M. (2024). 'Effects of the microchannel shape upon droplet formations during synthesis of nanoparticles', Scientia Iranica, 31(9), pp. 727-736.
Elyasi Kojabad, M., Nouri, M., Babaluo, A. A., Tavakoli, A., Sardari, R., Farhadi, Z., Moharrami, M. (2023). 'Alumina-PEBA/PSf Multilayer composite membranes for CO2 separation: Experimental and molecular simulation studies', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2043-2055.
Habeeb, S. A., Nadhim, B. A. (2023). 'Removal of nickel(II) ions, low-level pollutants, and total bacterial colony count from wastewater by composite nanofiber film', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2056-2069.
Kashfi, M. E., Kouhikamali, R., Khayati, G., Mahmoudimehr, J. (2023). 'CFD simulation of the laboratory-scale anaerobic digester to study the impacts of impeller geometric and operational parameters on its performance', Scientia Iranica, 30(6), pp. 2070-2081.
Ghourejili, S., Vahidfard, V., Mousavi, Y., Babapoor, A., Faraji, M. (2022). 'Effect of temperature on energy consumption and recovery rate of the reverse osmosis brackish systems in a different arrangement', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3167-3178.
Lotfi, M., Bahmani, A., Bastani, D. (2022). 'Hydrodynamics of rising air bubbles in mixture of proteins with non-ionic surfactants to declare their interaction at the air-water interface', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3179-3187.
Loghmanifar, S., Roozbeh Nasiraie, L., Nouri, H., Jafarian, S. (2022). 'Optimization of ultrasound-assisted garlic extraction using response surface methodology', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3188-3197.
Salehi, M., Kazemikia, F. (2022). 'Chemical fertilizer release control using encapsulation in polymer matrix by electrospinning', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3198-3207.
Dehghani, F., Eslamloueyan, R., Sarshar, M. (2022). 'A hybrid model for simulation of lithium-ion batteries using artificial neural networks and computational fluid dynamics', Scientia Iranica, 29(6), pp. 3208-3217.
Rahmatnia, M. A., Nouralishahi, A., Baheddini, M., Hallajisani, A. (2022). 'Alkali activated cedar wood as an efficient adsorbent for Pb2+ removal from aqueous solutions: Optimization, kinetic and thermodynamic study', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1351-1363.
Solaimany Nazar, A. R., Kurade, M. B., Ali Khan, M., Jeon, B. (2022). 'Effect of humic acid on adsorption of methylparaben from aqueous solutions onto commercially available granular activated carbons', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1364-1376.
Karami, S., Saeedi Dehaghani, A. H. (2022). 'Sensitivity analysis of electromagnetic stimulation of oil wells using simulation technique and Box-Behnken design', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1377-1390.
Gorzin, H., Ghaemi, A., Hemmati, A., Rahbar-Kelishami, A., Maleki, A. (2022). 'Investigation of operational parameters in the separation factor of praseodymium and neodymium from model NdFeB magnet-leaching solution in the solvent extraction: Optimization by response surface methodology', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1391-1409.
Yin, F., Yan, W. (2022). 'Dynamic modeling and optimal control of stone-carving robotic manipulators', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1410-1426.
Adeniyi, A. G., Onifade, D. V., Ighalo, J. O. (2022). 'Evaluating the nature of captured exhaust soot from a retort heating carbonization system', Scientia Iranica, 29(3), pp. 1427-1435.