A procedure for setting up a 180-degree sharp bend flume including construction and examinations with hydraulic structures

Document Type : Article


Department of Civil Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Shahid Mahini Street, Bushehr, P.O. Box: 75169-13817, Iran


A laboratory flume in the hydraulics laboratory is necessary in order to investigate and model different hydraulic and hydrodynamic phenomena which govern the river. Hence, this article provides a description on construction and setting up a 180 degree flume, as the first 180 degree sharp bend flume containing multiple lateral intakes, in the Hydraulic Laboratory of Persian Gulf University, Iran. Also, employing the constructed flume, it includes a number of case studies which have been conducted on flow pattern. Such experiments utilized a Vectrino velocimeter in order to obtain the 3D flow velocity. As the primary stage, an experiment was conducted without any hydraulic structures installed at the bend so that flow characteristics could be analyzed in a 180 degree sharp bend. An increase was revealed in the secondary flow strength and velocity as a result of an increase in the flow depth. Therefore, it can result in an attack towards the outer wall. Consequently, a T-shaped spur dike was installed at the apex of the bend in order to provide protection for the outer wall against streams of high velocity, and a study of the flow pattern around the protective structure was conducted under clear water conditions.


Main Subjects

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Volume 26, Issue 6 - Serial Number 6
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
November and December 2019
Pages 3165-3180
  • Receive Date: 18 August 2017
  • Revise Date: 29 November 2017
  • Accept Date: 27 January 2018