Journal Archive

Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E) Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D) Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B) Transactions on Nanotechnology (F) Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E) Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D) Transactions on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (C) Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B) Transactions on Civil Engineering (A) Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E) Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D) Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B) Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E) Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D) Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B)


SCImago Journal & Country Rank


  Number of Volumes 29
  Number of Issues 344
  Number of Articles 4,151
  Number of Contributors 8,371
  Article View 3,046,646
  Pdf Download 3,865,296
Number of Submissions 11,052
Rejected Submissions 5,040
Accepted Submissions 2,479
Number of Indexing Databases 19
Number of Reviewers 38711

Scientia Iranica

The objectives of Scientia Iranica are two-fold. The first is to provide a forum for the presentation of original works by scientists and engineers from around the world. The second is to open an effective channel to enhance the level of communication between scientists and engineers and the exchange of state-of-the-art research and ideas....



Current Issue: Volume 31, Issue 15, Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E), July and August 2024, Pages 1237-1341