Keywords = Mixed integer programming
An Equitable Fuzzy Approach for Facility Delocation: A Case Study of Banks Merging

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 February 2023


Saeed Zarghami; Maghsoud Amiri; Mohammad Taghi TaghaviFard; Ahmad Makui; Mani Sharifi

Optimizing a multi-objective master surgical scheduling under probabilistic length of stay and demand uncertainty

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 September 2023


Mohammad Ebrahimi; Arezoo Atighehchian; Majid Esmaelian

Stepwise pricing in evaluating revenue efficiency in data envelopment analysis: A case study of power plants

Volume 29, Issue 2, March and April 2022, Pages 915-928


Z. Moghaddas; M. Vaez-Ghasemi; F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi; R. Farzipoor Saen

The surgical case scheduling problem with fuzzy duration time: An ant system algorithm

Volume 26, Issue 3, May and June 2019, Pages 1824-1841


R. Behmanesh; M. Zandieh; S.M. Hadji Molana

A Lagrangian relaxation approach to fuzzy robust multi-objective facility location network design problem

Volume 25, Issue 3, May and June 2018, Pages 1750-1767


Davood Shishebori; Abolghasem Yousefi Babadi; Zohre Noormohammadzadeh

Integrated production and distribution scheduling for perishable products

Volume 24, Issue 4, July and August 2017, Pages 2105-2118


F. Marandi; S.H. Zegordi