Evaluation of vehicle braking parameters by multiple regression method

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Automotive, Faculty of Technology, Marmara University, Goztepe Campus, Istanbul, Turkey

2 Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, TBMYO, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey


In this study, two pairs of OEM brake disc-pads have been used. One of these discs belongs to a passenger car, and the other one belongs to a light commercial vehicle. The disc-pad pair of the passenger car (PC) has been subjected to global brake effectiveness test by full scale inertia dynamometer according to SAE J2522 test standard; and the other one has been subjected to the tests by full-scale inertia dynamometer according to FIAT 7-H4020 and 7-H2000 standards. During these tests, 13 variables for passenger car disc-pad pair and 11 variables for light commercial vehicle disc-pad pair have been measured and recorded. Interrelation of the parameters has been analyzed with multiple regression method and importance levels have been determined. In this study, dependent variables in multiple regression method are selected as braking time, friction coefficient, disc final temperature, brake speed and brake pressure for each braking pair. In multiple regression analysis for PC, for each unit increase in deceleration and friction coefficient, braking time decreases with 7.3 and 60.9 units, respectively. Also, for each unit increase in brake pressure and friction coefficient for LCV, braking time increases with 1.267 and 91.887 units, respectively.


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Volume 26, Issue 6 - Serial Number 6
Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B)
November and December 2019
Pages 3334-3355
  • Receive Date: 16 August 2018
  • Revise Date: 06 May 2019
  • Accept Date: 26 June 2019