Keywords = two-stage stochastic programming
Developing a two-stage multi-period stochastic model for asset and liability management: A real case study in a commercial bank of Iran

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 January 2022


Behzad Mousavi; Masoud Mahootchi; Mahdi Massahi

A novel two-stage stochastic model for supply chain network design under uncertainty

Volume 23, Issue 6, December 2016, Pages 3046-3062


M. Mohajer Tabrizi; B. Karimi; S.A. Mirhassani

A two-stage stochastic programming model for value-based supply chain network design

Volume 23, Issue 1, February 2016, Pages 348-360


H. Badri; S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi; T.H. Hejazi