Keywords = Copula
Copula-based modeling for IBNR claim loss reserving

Volume 31, Issue 18, November and December 2024, Pages 1596-1605


Samira Zaroudi; Mohammad Reza Faridrohani; Mohammad Hassan Behzadi; Hadi Safari-Katesari

Analysis of the interaction between destination and departure time choices

Volume 28, Issue 5, September and October 2021, Pages 2471-2478


A. Rasaizadi; S. Seyedabrishami

The interaction between activity choice and duration: Application of copula-based and nested-logit models

Volume 28, Issue 4, July and August 2021, Pages 2037-2052


F. Jafari Shahdani; A. Rasaizadi; S. Seyedabrishami