Evaluation of effective parameters on lateral buckling of subsea pipelines on a rigid seabed

Document Type : Article


1 Civil Engineering Department, Persian Gulf University, Shahid Mahini Street, P.O. Box: 75169-13817, Bushehr, Iran.

2 Vocational Department, Alzahra University, Qods Square, P.O. Box: 75135-1673, Bushehr, Iran


In this study, the lateral buckling of pipelines on a rigid seabed under temperature and internal pressure is discussed regardless of the effects of waves and currents. The analytical results in some cases are compared with the numerical results obtained from ABAQUS software. Then the influence of effective parameters (such as: internal pressure, friction, initial imperfection, diameter and thickness of the pipe and the pipe material) on the lateral buckling of pipelines on a rigid seabed is evaluated in order to determine the level of importance. The most important results indicate a reduced possibility of lateral buckling with an increased coefficient of friction between the pipe and seabed, reduction of the internal pressure, and reduction of the amplitude of the initial imperfection in the pipeline. For example, compared to the models with coefficients of friction equal to 0.5 and 0.3, the safety temperature in the model with a coefficient of friction equal to 0.7 has increased 13.6% and 50% respectively. Compared to the models with initial imperfections equal to 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 m, the safety temperature in the model with an initial imperfection of 0.1 m has increased 4.49%, 15.32%, and 40.65% respectively.


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Volume 25, Issue 4 - Serial Number 4
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
July and August 2018
Pages 1891-1906
  • Receive Date: 07 September 2015
  • Revise Date: 23 August 2016
  • Accept Date: 11 March 2017