Experimental investigation of bond characteristics of deformed and plain bars in low strength concrete

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

2 Department of Civil Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan

3 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

4 Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering, Cyprus University of Technology P.O. Box 50329, Lemesos 3603, Cyprus


The use of inferior quality materials, inadequate detailing and poor construction practices are responsible for most of the brittle failure modes of non-engineered reinforced concrete structures. Bond failures in non-engineered reinforced concrete elements due to short anchorages or low concrete cover result in large slip deformations prevent the development of plastic deformations and reduce energy dissipation capacity. Until now, little work has been carried out that can lead to the development of bond-slip relationships for low strength non-engineered reinforced concrete structures. To address this, experiments have been carried out on pullout and splitting specimens under monotonic loading to investigate bond characteristics of typically used steel bars in non-engineered reinforced concrete structures. Various deficient parameters are considered in the experiments in order to develop multi-parameter bond strength relations for low strength concrete ≤15MPa. The key parameters examined in the experiments are low strength concrete, bar development length, concrete cover, re-bar types (deformed and plain) and re-bar diameter. This paper presents the experimental details and results which are further processed to develop bond strength equations for different bar types in low strength concrete. These equations can be used to define the bond-slip relation for conducting seismic vulnerability assessment of non-engineered structures.


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2966 S. Ahmad et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 25 (2018) 2954{2966

Volume 25, Issue 6
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
November and December 2018
Pages 2954-2966
  • Receive Date: 07 February 2016
  • Revise Date: 16 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 23 October 2017