On the assessment of a new steel bolted flush end-plate beam splice connection

Document Type : Article


Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


This paper describes the development of a numerical model with the ability to simulate and analyze the mechanical behavior of di erent types of Double Bolted Flush End-plate Beam (DBFEB) splice connections, which thus far has not been reported. Moreover, Bolted Flush End-plate Beam (BFEB) splice connections have been investigated for calibration of the results using Finite Element Modeling (FEM). The initial sti ness, rotation capacity, strength ratio, ductility, failure mode, and the performance of these two types of connections have been investigated and compared with each other with respect to FEMA 356. Also, classi cation of these two types of connections is performed by Eurocode 3 recommendation. The analyses have been calibrated and converted to experimental and analytical results, which are also briefly reviewed in this paper. Also, due to the multitudeof influencing parameters, an analytical description of the behavior of DBFEB connections has been delivered based on component method. Moreover, several parametric analyses on the Initial RotationalSti ffness (Sini) of DBFEB connection have been conducted using regression analysis of FEM results.


Main Subjects

Volume 24, Issue 4
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
July and August 2017
Pages 1735-1750
  • Receive Date: 07 May 2015
  • Revise Date: 29 December 2015
  • Accept Date: 30 May 2016