Evaluation of peak ground acceleration for the city of Kerman through seismic hazard analysis

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Geophysics, University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


In this paper, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) approach is used to evaluate the distribution of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and their corresponding probabilities for Kerman region in S-E of Iran. The geological and seismological data were integrated into a probabilistic seismic hazard model for the region. Historical and instrumental earthquake data, geology, tectonics, fault activity and seismic source models related to seismic events are taken into account. Foreshocks and aftershocks are rationally eliminated and main shock records are used to evaluate seismicity parameters using Kijko method. The use of such method is advantageous since it accounts for incomplete or inaccurate seismic data related to various seismic sources in the region. CRISIS2007 software is also used to carry seismic hazard analysis for the region and to develop the maps of iso-acceleration contours and for various return periods.   
The results have been displayed as the probabilistic estimates of PGA for the return periods of 50, 75 and 475 years. Comparison of the results obtained here with those suggested by Iranian Code of Practice for Seismic Resistance Design of Buildings (Standard No. 2800 Version 1393) are also presented. Results obtained in this study provides the basis for the preparation of seismic risk maps.


Main Subjects

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Volume 26, Issue 1
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
January and February 2019
Pages 257-272
  • Receive Date: 25 April 2017
  • Revise Date: 01 July 2017
  • Accept Date: 31 July 2017