Predicting potential of controlled blasting-induced liquefaction using neural networks and neuro -fuzzy system


1 Department of civil engineering, Yazd University, Iran

2 Departme n t of Civil Engineering , Yazd University , Iran


In recent years, controlled blasting has turned into an efficient method for  evaluation of soil liquefaction in real scale and evaluation of ground improvement techniques. Predicting blast-induced soil liquefaction by using collected information can be an effective step in the[a1]  study of blast-induced liquefaction. In this study, to estimate residual pore pressure ratio, first, multi- layer perceptron neural network is used in which error (RMS) for the network was calculated as 0.105. Next, neuro-fuzzy network, ANFIS was used for modeling. Different ANFIS models  are created using Grid  partitioning (GP), Subtractive Clustering (SCM), and Fuzzy C-means Clustering (FCM). Minimum error is obtained using by FCM at about 0.081. Finally, radial basis function (RBF) network is used. Error of this method was about 0.06. Accordingly, RBF network has better performance. Variables including fine-content, relative density, effective overburden pressure and SPT value  are considered as input components and the Ru, residual[a2]  pore pressure ratio was used as the only output component for designing prediction models. In the next stage the network output is compared with the results of a regression analysis. Finally, sensitivity analysis for RBF network is tested,  its results reveal that and SPT are the most effective factors in determining Ru.


Main Subjects


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Volume 25, Issue 2
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
March and April 2018
Pages 617-631
  • Receive Date: 28 February 2016
  • Revise Date: 06 August 2016
  • Accept Date: 19 December 2016