A new mathematical model for a scheduling problem of dynamic machine-tool selection and operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing system: A modified evolutionary algorithm


1 Islamic Azad University

2 University of Tehran

3 Iran University of Science and Technology


Although a machine-tool selection and operation allocation problem of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is known for its complexity, scheduling of these systems is more operative and more complex. This paper considers scheduling of an FMS with dynamic machine-tool selection and operation allocation. In addition, due to the NP-hard nature of this problem, a modified evolutionary algorithm (EA) considering an island model is proposed to solve the given problem. Its performance is tested on a number of randomly generated problems. Furthermore, the related results are compared with the results obtained by a branch-and-bound (B&B) method. It has been found that the modified EA with the island model gives good results in terms of the objective function values and CPU times.


Volume 24, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E)
April 2017
Pages 765-777
  • Receive Date: 22 January 2015
  • Revise Date: 22 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 27 July 2017