The setting of rolling schedule in tandem cold mill is one of the most crucial content in rolling process, which will have a direct impact on product quality and production efficiency. According to the actual requirements in the rolling process, a multi-objective function based on influence function method was built. The objective function was aimed specially at thin gauge strip and solved by Tabu search algorithm. Meanwhile, in order to avoid the strip slipping by the reduction of friction coefficient, the tension schedule was corrected according to the rolling length of work roll. The proposed optimization method has been applied successfully to a 1450mm 5-stand tandem cold mill. Application results show that the optimized rolling schedules are more close to the actual requirements and the flatness quality is improved greatly.
Bu, H. , Yan, Z. , Zhang, D. and Chen, S. (2016). Rolling Schedule Multi-objective Optimizationbased on Influence Function for Thin Gauge Steel Strip in Tandem Cold Rolling. Scientia Iranica, 23(6), 2663-2672. doi: 10.24200/sci.2016.3975
Bu, H. , , Yan, Z. , , Zhang, D. , and Chen, S. . "Rolling Schedule Multi-objective Optimizationbased on Influence Function for Thin Gauge Steel Strip in Tandem Cold Rolling", Scientia Iranica, 23, 6, 2016, 2663-2672. doi: 10.24200/sci.2016.3975
Bu, H., Yan, Z., Zhang, D., Chen, S. (2016). 'Rolling Schedule Multi-objective Optimizationbased on Influence Function for Thin Gauge Steel Strip in Tandem Cold Rolling', Scientia Iranica, 23(6), pp. 2663-2672. doi: 10.24200/sci.2016.3975
H. Bu , Z. Yan , D. Zhang and S. Chen, "Rolling Schedule Multi-objective Optimizationbased on Influence Function for Thin Gauge Steel Strip in Tandem Cold Rolling," Scientia Iranica, 23 6 (2016): 2663-2672, doi: 10.24200/sci.2016.3975
Bu, H., Yan, Z., Zhang, D., Chen, S. Rolling Schedule Multi-objective Optimizationbased on Influence Function for Thin Gauge Steel Strip in Tandem Cold Rolling. Scientia Iranica, 2016; 23(6): 2663-2672. doi: 10.24200/sci.2016.3975