Solition solutions of a few nonlinear wave equations in engineering sciences


1 Department of Computer Engineering Techniques Al-Ra dian College, 00964, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Department of Applied Sciences, Bahra Faculty of Engineering, Patiala, 147 001, Punjab, India.

3 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Delaware State University Dover, DE, 19901-2277, USA


This paper obtains the soliton and other solutions to a few nonlinear wave equations that arise on a daily basis in various engineering disciplines and other elds. The sine-cosine method is adopted to extract these solutions. The ansatz method is also implemented to obtain a singular soliton solution to the Schrodinger-Hirota equation that is studied in electrical engineering in the context of nonlinear ber optics. In this context, both Kerr law and power law nonlinearity are going to be addressed. There are several constraint conditions that will be listed in order for the solutions to exist.


Volume 21, Issue 3
Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D)
June 2014
Pages 861-869
  • Receive Date: 02 July 2014
  • Revise Date:
  • Accept Date: 27 July 2017