Nonlinear Cyclic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames, Utilizing New Joint Element


1 Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Civil Engineering,Tarbiat Modares University


In this article, a numerical model based on the layer approach is introduced for nonlinear
cyclic analysis of two-dimensional reinforced concrete frames. The advantage of the proposed analytical
procedure is that it takes the bond-slip, shear-slip and pull-out e ects and, also, shears deformation in
the joints into account. Bar and concrete stress-strain relations, the bond stress-slip relation and the
shear stress-strain relation and, also, their cyclic behaviors are adopted as known speci cations. In the
modeling, each frame is divided into two types of joint element and beam-column element. The e ect
of bond-slip has been considered in the formulation of a beam-column element by replacing the perfect
bond assumption from the ber analysis method. Joint elements are formulated upon major behaviors
including the pull-out of embedded longitudinal bars, shear and
exural deformation of joint panels and
shear slip in interface sections between joints and neighboring elements. The reliability of the method
has been assessed through a comparison of numerical and experimental results for a variety of specimens
tested under cyclic loading. A good agreement between experimental and analytical results is obtained for
both cases of strength and sti ness during the analysis.
