A branch and bound algorithm for the weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations


Department of Industrial Engineering,Sharif University of Technology



We present an exact solution procedure for the weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem (WETPSP) with generalized precedence relations (WETPSP-GPR), taking into account time value of money (WETPSPDC-GPR) and a fixed deadline for the project. The WETPSP-GPR extends the WETPSP to arbitrary minimal and maximal time-lags between the starting and completion times of activities. We present a new depth-first branch and bound (B&B) algorithm for extended form of the problem, which time value of money is taken into account by discounting the cash flows and minimum as well as maximum time-lags between different activities may be given. The algorithm is extended with two bounding rules in order to reduce the size of the branch and bound tree. Finally, some test problems are solved and computational results are reported.


Volume 16, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
Transactions on Industrial Engineering (E)
January 2009
  • Receive Date: 29 June 2009
  • Revise Date: 21 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 29 June 2009