Large-Scale Triaxial Testing and Numerical Modeling of Rounded and Angular Rockfill Materials


1 Department of Civil Engineering,Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Amirkabir University of Technology

3 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Carleton University


This paper studies the behavior of a number of blasting (angular) and alluvium (rounded)
modeled rock ll materials by conducting large-scale triaxial testing, as well as numerical modeling. The
numerical modeling is based on an elasto-plastic theory and enables one to predict the stress-strainvolumetric
behavior of materials during shearing. The material parameters were determined from the
experimental and numerical modeling. Variations of the material parameters, with respect to the con ning
pressure, Los Angeles abrasion, Point Load index, and particle breakage were investigated. Also, for design
applications, curves fitted to the data are presented.
