Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Sharif University of Technology
In this investigation, a computational model has been developed, including heat transfer and
the eects of the resistance of a metal-mold interface and pressure, for simulation of the
solidication process. Simulation of the interface resistance is based on the Zero Thickness
Element (ZTE), utilizing the Finite Element Method (FEM). Solid boundary conditions, including
contact resistances, have been modied by a pressure gradient in each of the ZTE. The pressure
gradient has been modeled, based on experimental data. In order to verify the computational
results, an Al-11.5 wt% Si alloy was poured into a permanent mold and the temperature of
the interface was measured by a data acquisition system. Then, the eect of metalo-static
pressure on overall heat transfer in the interface resistance was modeled. Comparison between
the experimental and simulation results during the solidication process shows a good consistency,
which conrms the accuracy of the model for the eects of interface resistance on solidication