Post-fault Model of Six-phase PMSMs with an Open-circuit Fault

Document Type : Article


1 AVL software and functions Gmbh, paarstrabe 59, 9059, Regensburg, Germany

2 Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles Department of Bio, Electro and Mechanical Systems, Electrical Energy group Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50 (CP165/52), B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

3 Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH Co. and KG. Wurzburg, Germany, Brose, Ohmstrabe 2a, 97076 Wurzburg, Germany

4 Department of engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran



A post-fault model of six-phase PMSMs with an open-circuit fault is presented. First, the two key properties of the well-known vector space decomposition transformation for the healthy machine, namely decoupling and orthogonality, are discussed. Then a dedicated transformation with similar properties for a faulty machine with one open-circuit fault is derived. It maps the phase
domain variables on a new five-dimensional space; the current which builds the magnetomotive force vector in the airgap is mapped on a separate sub-plane, and the currents which do not affect the magnetomotive force vector on the three remaining dimensions called zero-sequence axes. The proposed transformation is generic and can be applied to different star connections, i.e., grounded, connected, and isolated star points. Then, the model of the machine linked with equivalent circuit diagrams is developed. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the properties of the transformation and show the validity of the proposed model.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 05 February 2025
  • Receive Date: 29 November 2023
  • Revise Date: 12 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 05 February 2025