Modeling of jet electrochemical machining using numerical and design of experiments methods

Document Type : Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahreza Campus, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Modeling and determining the optimal conditions for the Jet Electrochemical Machining (Jet-ECM) process is critical. In this study, a hybrid approach combining numerical and Design of Experiments (DOE) methods have been applied to model and determine the optimal conditions for Jet-ECM. The voltage (V), inner tool diameter (I), initial machining gap (G), and electrolyte conductivity (C) are considered input variables. Additionally, dimensional accuracy (E) and machining depth (D) are response variables. Twenty-seven numerical simulations have been performed using the Box–Behnken
design to implement the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Consequently, two mathematical models have been obtained for these response variables. The effects of the input variables on the response variables are investigated using statistical techniques such as variance analysis. Furthermore, the desirability function approach has been applied to determine the optimal conditions for dimensional accuracy and depth of machining. The results show that the optimal values for achieving maximum depth of machining while maintaining a dimensional accuracy of 0.05 mm are as follows:
electrolyte conductivity of 8 S/m, voltage of 36.9 V, initial machining gap of 200 μm, and inner tool diameter of 0.4 mm.


Main Subjects

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Volume 31, Issue 20
Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B)
November and December 2024
Pages 1880-1888
  • Receive Date: 27 March 2022
  • Revise Date: 20 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 15 October 2023