A Phenomenological Approach to Analysis of Maintenance Activities Impact on Interruption Duration in Electricity Distribution Systems, based on Historical Data and Expert Judgment

Document Type : Article


1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O.Box: 16315-1355, Tehran 1631714191, Iran


This study intends to quantify, model and evaluate the impact of preventive maintenance (PM) on interruption duration (IntD) in electricity distribution systems, based on analyzing the data from the dashboard of an electricity distribution company and expert opinions. Following the data cleaning, the data are analyzed to identify the failure modes and their effects, to recognize the critical components (FMEA). Subsequently, the PM activities associated with them are investigated, to analyze the maintenance activities scheduling impact on IntD, employing expert judgment as a decision support. The data analysis reveals that the fuses and fuse holders experience the highest interruptions frequencies and durations, nominating them as critical components. Then, the impact of maintenance activity (inspection time) on the IntD percentage change is analyzed, leading to calculation of the sensitivity of IntD to maintenance activity.
The quasi-linear shape of the IntD and ENS percentage decreases versus PM inspection time, i.e. the intended sensitivities is observed, thus two linear models are developed to represent this impact, suitable for maintenance optimization problems which need linear models convexity. Moreover, two indices of SIntDPM and SENSPM are introduced as maintenance KPIs representing the sensitivities, to prioritize PM actions versus their impact on IntD.


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