Comprehensive Stochastic Analysis Method for Tree-Type PDNs and Ground Pollution on Mixed-Signal PCBs

Document Type : Article


Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, a stochastic analysis method is proposed for extraction and evaluation of power distribution map (PDM) in system printed circuit board (PCB). This is conducted based on some system-level information including placement and routing geometry, power distribution network (PDN), component package parasitic, and voltage regulator module (VRM). A simple model for supply current of two constituent blocks of electronic systems is analytically extracted. The worst-case simultaneous operation of all consumers are considered for PDM extraction. The approach is applied to a specific designed and fabricated mixed signal board. PDM is beneficial in the placement process of decoupling capacitance or noisy components in an optimum and right location. Also, the proposed approach can be considered as a verification step of PCB design flow and be applicable before routing merely based on the placement data of the system components. This enables the designer to predict the upcoming problems in layout and hastens the process of design verification.


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