Python programming predictions of thermal behavioral aspects of orange peel and coconut-coir reinforced epoxy composites

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, 535005, India.

2 UniveFaculty of Manufacturing Engineering, University Teknikal Malaysia, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysiasity Teknikal Malaysia

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram, 535005, India


Using a hand lay-up approach, both orange peel and coconut coir fibres are used in particulate form with an epoxy matrix to create partly green biodegradable composites. The findings indicate great opportunities for employing these natural fibres. The thermal conductivity of orange peel and coconut-coir epoxy composites was measured experimentally for various volume fractions of particulate fibres. The experimental findings show that as fibre concentration increases, thermal conductivity decreases. Experimental data are compared to theoretical models to determine the change in thermal conductivity with fibre amount fraction.There was a clear correlation between the hypotheses and the actual results. Regression analysis using Python programming is also done for the prediction of the thermal properties of particulate orange peel and coconut-coir fibre composites. It is observed that coir fibre composites outperformed the orange peel, indicating that the coir fibre composite is a proper thermal insulator that can be used in many industries, like the automotive industry, buildings, and steam pipes, to reduce heat transfer and thereby save a lot of energy.


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