Numerical treatment for a nine-dimensional chaotic Lorenz model with the Rabotnov fractional-exponential kernel fractional derivative

Document Type : Article


-Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh: 11566, Saudi Arabia -Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha, Egypt


In this paper, we will present an effective simulation to study the solution behavior of a high dimensional chaos by considering the nine-dimensional
Lorenz system through the Rabotnov fractional-exponential (RFE) kernel fractional derivative. First, we derive an approximate formula of the
fractional-order derivative of a polynomial function $t^{p}$ in terms of the RFE kernel. In this work, we use the spectral collocation method based
on the properties of the shifted Vieta-Lucas polynomials. This procedure converts the given model to a system of algebraic equations. We satisfy the
efficiency and the accuracy of the given procedure by evaluating the residual error function. The results obtained are compared with the results obtained
by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The results show that the implemented technique is easy and efficient tool to simulate the solution of such models.


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