Numerical and experimental investigation of the in-phase and out-phase plasma actuation effects on the wake flow for Re = 1000

Document Type : Article


Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, P.O. Box 16589-53571, Iran


The aim is to characterize the role of symmetry pattern on the flow control induced by dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators. Two DBD actuators are employed for in-phase excitation with duty cycle 50% leading to symmetric wake pattern and out-phase excitation for two pulsing frequencies St=0.2 and St=1 at Re=1000 which forms quasi-symmetric and asymmetric flow structures respectively. The modes deduced from POD and DMD methods represent the competition between symmetric (S) and asymmetric mode (K) in all cases. The harmonic in-phase plasma actuation with 50% duty cycle is the most effective flow control method with lowest power consumption. The harmonic out-phase excitation is not much effective; however adjustment of the actuator position can form the symmetric pattern with minimum power consumption. The superharmonic out-phase plasma actuation reduces the wake region however is not effective in lift reduction significantly and consumes high amount of energy. This indicates that phase difference and plasma location influence on the size and symmetry of the vortical structure. Then, based on the symmetry properties of the designed wake pattern created by frequency and phase difference of the plasma actuator, the effective active flow control can be performed. The numerical results are validated with experiments.


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Volume 30, Issue 2
Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B)
March and April 2023
Pages 357-375
  • Receive Date: 26 June 2021
  • Revise Date: 02 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 28 November 2022