Incorporating programming languages in the enhancement of the learning process for sequential logic circuit design

Document Type : Article


Department of Computer Engineering, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Sakarya, Turkey


Logic circuits in digital electronics can generally be classified two categories-combinational and sequential logic circuits.There are several software-based applications and hardware description languages to describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits.Although it is an easy to construct a state transition table from the state transition diagram,creating an excitation table according to the memory element type in the sequential circuit design is a very laborious and time-consuming task.After the logic functions extracted from the state transition tables are obtained,logic design verification can be carried out by a conventional simulator.This will require time and persistence much like learning any other skill.Computer science degrees include courses focused mainly on programming languages.There’s a strong case to be made for use of skills acquired in programming courses to shorten the learning curve.Thus, this work has proposed a method for the implementation of the circuit only the state equations of the sequential circuit without dealing with excitation tables.This eliminates the process of constructing the circuit schematically, since it does not require flip-flop selection.In this method, since the state equations can be expressed through buttonbox,checkbox,textbox etc.which are the basic elements of the programming language,the behavior of the circuit can be observed in a very short time.


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Volume 29, Issue 6 - Serial Number 6
Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering (D)
November and December 2022
Pages 3219-3229
  • Receive Date: 15 October 2020
  • Revise Date: 14 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 27 June 2022