Developing a Solution for Intelligent Urban Transportation Management Using the Internet of Things

Document Type : Research Note


1 Faculty of Electrical, Computer and IT Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Qazvin, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The increasing use of technologies based on Internet of Things in cars and other transportation vehicles, as well as innovations in tracking systems and spatial information systems, have created the opportunity to collect tolls on urban roads in a more intelligent, more efficient, and a wider way. Considering the cultural and infrastructure variables in different cities, different approaches have been designed for this purpose, but so far no work has been done in this area in Tehran. Therefore, in this research, a system of hardware and software based on the Internet of things was developed based on GPS / GSM for automated urban tolls in Tehran, which manages the location of a user's car and manages toll payments at any given moment. In addition, in this system, considering the cultural issues in the country, the infrastructure in the metropolis of Tehran, and important issues of the city, the trespass submission system is designed in accordance with the existing surveillance cameras and an infrared-based structure was used to reduce the burden of image processing in order to improve efficiency. The data obtained from this system will have more potential than only the urban toll management.


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