Abstract— Renewable resources have attracted attention due to different reasons like reducing pollution, improving technical issues. Using several resources along with each other requires studying different aspects. One of the most important issues in hybrid systems is system optimality. Therefore, the most effective approach is to combine components to minimize the cost. Different approaches have been proposed for determining the size of hybrid system components to optimize the proposed system. These methods are classified into three categories: classic, artificial intelligence and computer program methods. In this paper, the optimal size of components is obtained using MINLP method. Outputs of this algorithm are compared with two other algorithms and advantage of this method is proved. This paper gives better responses in a shorter time.
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Qari, H. , Khosrogorji, S. and Torkaman, H. (2020). Optimal sizing of hybrid WT/PV/diesel generator/battery system using MINLP method for a region in Kerman. Scientia Iranica, 27(6), 3066-3074. doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.50176.1555
Qari, H. , , Khosrogorji, S. , and Torkaman, H. . "Optimal sizing of hybrid WT/PV/diesel generator/battery system using MINLP method for a region in Kerman", Scientia Iranica, 27, 6, 2020, 3066-3074. doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.50176.1555
Qari, H., Khosrogorji, S., Torkaman, H. (2020). 'Optimal sizing of hybrid WT/PV/diesel generator/battery system using MINLP method for a region in Kerman', Scientia Iranica, 27(6), pp. 3066-3074. doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.50176.1555
H. Qari , S. Khosrogorji and H. Torkaman, "Optimal sizing of hybrid WT/PV/diesel generator/battery system using MINLP method for a region in Kerman," Scientia Iranica, 27 6 (2020): 3066-3074, doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.50176.1555
Qari, H., Khosrogorji, S., Torkaman, H. Optimal sizing of hybrid WT/PV/diesel generator/battery system using MINLP method for a region in Kerman. Scientia Iranica, 2020; 27(6): 3066-3074. doi: 10.24200/sci.2019.50176.1555