Influence of masonry panels with openings on the seismic response of reinforced concrete infilled frames

Document Type : Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic National School (ENP-URIE), Avenue des Freres Ouddak, Hacen Badi, B.P. 182, El-Harrach, 16200, Algiers, Algeria

2 Department of Civil Engineering, UHLB, University of Batna 02, Rue Chahid Mohamed Boukhlouf Batna 5000, Algeria


Due to architectural considerations, openings are required in masonry infill panels. In this study, a pushover analysis is carried out to assess the behavior of RC infilled frames with emphasis on the effect of openings in the infills. The main parameters that will be considered concern the size, the location and the aspect ratio of the openings. Three reinforced concrete structures representative of rigid, semi-rigid and flexible structures are designed according to the Algerian seismic code. The numerical model of the structures consists of frame elements with concentrated plastic hinges at the ends and a nonlinear layered shell for the infills. The results obtained show that the presence of infills can drastically change the overall behavior of the structures by enhancing the strength capacities but with limited ductility and the presence of openings can modify the hinges locations and patterns according to their size, location and aspect ratio.


Main Subjects

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Volume 26, Issue 1
Transactions on Civil Engineering (A)
January and February 2019
Pages 157-166
  • Receive Date: 17 July 2016
  • Revise Date: 15 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 29 August 2017