Keywords = turbulence
Numerical simulation of turbulent oscillating flow in porous media

Volume 28, Issue 2, March and April 2021, Pages 743-756


A. Kardgar; A. Jafarian

Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow over Labyrinth Spillways/Weirs and Corresponding Discharge Coefficient and Efficiency

Volume 22, Issue 5, September and October 2015, Pages 1734-1741

Vahid Zahraeifard; Nasser Tablebeydokhti

Effect of Turbulence Closure Models on the Accuracy of Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method for the Viscous Free Surface Flow

Volume 21, Issue 4, July and August 2014, Pages 1217-1230

M. Kolahdoozan; M.S. Ahadi; S. Shirazpoor