Keywords = numerical simulation
Pressure Drop Decrease and Heat Transfer Increase in the Internal Flow Using a New Geometry

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 24 October 2023


Ahmad Bedram

Exploring MHD-Generated Flow in a Triangular Cavity having an elliptic obstruction: Implications for Industrial Applications

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 January 2025


Hasan Shahzad; Abuzar Ghaffari; Ghulam Rasool; Qiaomei Ma; Yousheng Li

Numerical study on the behavior of a biphasic temperature-sensitive hydrogel twisting actuator

Volume 31, Issue 16, September and October 2024, Pages 1343-1358


Amir Ghasemkhani; Hashem Mazaheri; Pouya Beigzadeh Arough

Analysis of loading distribution for SRB and TSRB combined bearing

Volume 29, Issue 2, March and April 2022, Pages 478-485


l. Shi; J. Wang; K. Luo; D. Feng; H. Zhang; E. Miao

CFD investigation of an axial compressor with casing treatment for the enhancement of the stall margin

Volume 28, Issue 6, November and December 2021, Pages 3156-3167


N. Ahmad; Q. Zheng; H. Fawzy; A. Lin; B. Jiang

Two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of supersonic ramped inlet

Volume 25, Issue 4, July and August 2018, Pages 2198-2207


R. Askari; M. R. Soltani

Retracted: Aerodynamic and Performance Evaluation of a Variable-Sweep Morphing Wing

Volume 23, Issue 6, December 2016, Pages 2694-2703


abbas tarabi; sajjad ghasemloo; mahmood mani

Design and simulation of a heating system for water puri cation structures in cold rural areas

Volume 22, Issue 6, December 2015, Pages 2229-2239

T. Zhang; Y. Tan; J. Zhang; K. Yu

Numerical simulation of flow over labyrinth spillways

Volume 22, Issue 5, September and October 2015, Pages 1779-1787

Yousef Sangsefidi; Mojtaba Mehraein; Masoud Ghodsian

Rooster Tail Depression by Originating a Modified Transom Stern Form Using a Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Solver

Volume 22, Issue 3, June 2015, Pages 765-777

Parviz Ghadimi; Abbas Dashtimanesh; Rahim Zamanian; Mohammad A. Feizi Chekab; Seyed Hamid R. Mirhosseini

Hemodynamic analysis of pulsatile blood flow in a complete bypass graft with different anastomosis angles

Volume 22, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 423-435

E. Zohravi; E. Shirani; M.R. Sadeghi

Sensitivity to progressive damage of modal parameters of an elastic beam: experimental and numerical simulation

Volume 22, Issue 1, January and February 2015, Pages 107-119

Abdolreza Joghataie; Alireza Banihashem

Simulations of Particle Filtration and Tracking in Electrical Field

Volume 21, Issue 1, February 2014, Pages 109-118

Ahmad Sedaghat; Amir Hossein Mohammadzadeh

Multidimensional Modeling of CNG Direct Injection and Mixture Preparation in a SI Engine Cylinder

Volume 20, Issue 6, December 2013, Pages 1729-1741

B. Yadollahi; M. Boroomand

Effects of viscoelastic polymer solutions on the oil extraction from dead ends

Volume 20, Issue 6, December 2013, Pages 1912-1920

Ata Kamyabi; Ahmad Ramazani S.A.; Mohammad Mahdi Kamyabi

Effect of Di erent Geometries in Simulation of 3D Viscous Flow in Francis Turbine Runners

Volume 16, Issue 4, July 2009

B. Firoozabadi; R. Dadfar; A.R.P. Pirali; G. Ahmadi