Effect of Sudden Pressure on Spinal Cord and Break Down (Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater and Pia Mater) an Experimental Analysis on Threshold Levels

Document Type : Article


1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Center of Excellence in Design, Robotic and Automation, Tehran, Iran


Spinal cord is enveloped by three layers of meninges to protect the central nervous system from mechanical damage. Surgical operation and resection of tumors in the vicinity of spinal cord is complicated and risky because exposes it to probable irreversible damage. Nowadays, to reduce the risk of these operations, attempt is made to remove tumor using safer technique such as waterjet operation. In these methods interaction of waterjet and spinal cord is inevitable. To have safe interaction of operation, a standard development of waterjet criteria is necessary.
In the present study a system of waterjet is designed for surgical operation in the vicinity of spinal cord along with limitations and thresholds. For this purpose, spinal cord of sheeps are considered. Results show that meninges is stiff enough to protect sheep spinal cord from rupture for pressures up to 8 bar. The role of different meninges layers to protect internal spinal cord soft tissue in interaction with waterjet is also studied. Effects of angle between nozzle and spinal cord axis, liquid density, nozzle diameter and waterjet velocity on internal soft tissue degradation as well as spread of inky waterjet beneath Arachnoid mater is also investigated in the absence of dura mater.


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